Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Picking Lipsticks to Match Your Skin Tone Made Easy!

It isn't that easy to spot a woman who doesn't go crazy about lipsticks! The availability of numerous shades of makeup lip glosses and lipsticks in the market together with the emerging makeup trends is what drives most women to shop for these lip cosmetics every now then.
Most women tend to opt for a particular lip shade just because it looks great or because you saw your favorite celebrity wearing it. However, most of you don't realize that the same shade may not be appreciated when you wear it. Picking the wrong shade of lip makeup products can mar your look rather than add to it. Here are a few tips that might help you choose a lip shade to go well with your skin tone.
Find your Skin Color
Before you begin with choosing a lip shade, you should try and find out what type of skin tone you have. Determining your skin tone isn't as difficult as you think. If you have yellow or orange undertones, then you can be sure that you have a warm skin color. On the other hand, if you have pink or red undertones, then you have a cool skin tone.
Choosing Lipsticks According to Warm or Cool Skin Tones
Women with a cool skin color can blindly opt for shiny lip glosses with pink or blue undertones. Lipsticks in beige are also a great choice. In case, if you have a warmer skin color, then it's wise to go for lip makeup products in gold or bronze. Shades of brown will also great look on women with warmer skin tones.
If you find it hard to determine whether you have a cool skin tone or a warm skin tone, then these tips are sure to you help you.
Fair Skin: If you're proud of your fair skin, then go ahead and flatter it with lip cosmetics in berries and pale pinks. However, the real challenge lies in choosing a shade of pink closer to your lip's natural shade.
Olive Skin: Women with olive skin will look great in shades of beiges, apricots, and bronzy nudes.
Dark Skin: Darker skin will look absolutely stunning when lip makeup cosmetics in berries, mauves, or sheer reds are worn.
Of course, the same rules apply to choosing lip plumpers too! You need no help to determine which of these three types your skin color falls under. So, go ahead and kick off your hunt for a complementing lip shade!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Manoj_P_Kumar

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6406600

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Your Beauty Is Just A Part of Who You Are

You probably want to look good, and there's nothing wrong with that. People tend to judge each other quickly by what they see at a first glance, and so it's understandable that you might feel a lot of pressure to make yourself look attractive to others. Some people take it too far, though, and begin defining themselves according to their beauty rather than their other traits.
If you are concerned about your beauty, you might be willing to invest a lot of time and money into making yourself look just right. This investment probably involves the cost of fashionable clothing and the time it takes to go shopping. You might have skin care and hair care products that are beyond the basics essentials. If you are pouring hundreds of dollars into beauty products, you might want to stop and reconsider the investment.
What are you really investing in? You might spend the money without really thinking about whether you need the products or not. It might just seem like second nature. People usually invest in something in the hopes of getting something in return. What do you really hope to get back? It may be that you want others to respect and admire you.
But there are other reasons that people might respect and admire you. Beauty is only a part of who you are, and it is usually your other traits that actually attract other people. They might see you are beautiful, but they also see that you are confident and comfortable in social situations or that you are good at knowing what colors looks good together. Chances are that your friends love you because you are kind or funny and not because you look good. It's good to take a step back and assess what your strengths really are. Take a moment to congratulate yourself on them.
If you are too worried about beauty, you will probably not be satisfied with how you look. Many people obsess too much over their flaws to the point that they are unable to recognize their good features. It's a deadly trap to fall into because it will make you try ever harder-and invest more time and money-to look good while never feeling beautiful.
Every now and then, take a little time to honestly assess how you feel about yourself. If you hate how you look, chances are that you need a reality check. Your beauty is just a part of the whole mosaic of you, and you should learn to see the whole picture and not just that one part.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures for skin care to advanced procedures like Rhinoplasty. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Earl_Bonn_II

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6394568