Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cosmetic Surgery - When is Enough ENOUGH?

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASPC), there were 11.5 million cosmetic surgeries in the United States in 2006. The statistics continue to grow from year to year, and from 1997, when the ASPC began collecting data, cosmetic surgery has increased 446 percent. Men having cosmetic procedures only comprise eight percent of the total and have decreased nine percent overall. The question arises of why American women seem obsessed with the need to change their appearance so drastically spending over 12.2 billion dollars a year to look better.

Research suggests that some women who have repeated cosmetic surgeries have a mental health issue called Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD). The symptoms of BDD are people obsessed with personal care rituals, constantly examining and picking at their skin, steering away from social gatherings because of feelings of ugliness, and needing multiple cosmetic surgeries. There is help for BDD such as psychological counseling that may help people stop obsessing with plastic surgeries and learn to appreciate the body they have. BDD victims often have the same symptoms as people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and suffer immensely from the affliction. These people come out of multiple surgeries rarely looking better and are never satisfied with the outcome.

Like a bartender at a bar, should plastic surgery doctors be responsible enough to tell their patients when enough is enough? Board certified cosmetic surgeons are trained to perceive the reasons why patients want surgery thereby heading off possible BDD problems.

So when is enough cosmetic surgery enough? Here are some questions to ask yourself before making the decision to go under the knife.

Why do you want plastic surgery performed? Do you have multiple body features you want changed like your lips, tummy, breasts, liposuction for your hips, and your eyebrows raised? If your self-image is so low that your body seems to need a total overhaul, perhaps you need to speak with a mental health professional first. It's much easier to look into your motivations first rather than have serious consequences later that can't be undone.

It's vital that you know that plastic surgery doesn't lead to contentment for the rest of your life. It's not a type of life insurance policy that pays out with a sense of security. Plastic surgery might influence many areas of your life, but that isn't a reason for it. Plastic surgery does not last a lifetime. Aging will continue to be a factor in your outward appearance. Surgery can also be affected by the aging process.

People are subject to myriad degrees of stress in life. Cosmetic surgery won't help you deal with the grief of the death of a loved one, a divorce, transitioning into retirement, help empty nest syndrome, or any other personal problem. Plastic surgery procedures are meant to improve your outward appearance, not life's challenges.

Reality TV continues to influence the way people feel about themselves. Someone who had cosmetic surgery and show the fabulous results on television doesn't mean those results will be the same for you. You are an individual with a unique body and mind unlike anyone else's. Only a board certified surgeon can help you decide if a change in your body will be a positive change in your life. Your doctor will prepare you for preparation before the surgery; inform you of the risks, healing, and the desired successful outcome. Take some time to research all of the options available today. Science has come up with new types of procedures that are almost painless unlike the surgery techniques used in the 1950s. Think about when the best time would be to commit yourself to cosmetic surgery. Often the recovery time is anywhere from a week to several months depending on which procedure you wish to have done. Another piece of advice that is absolutely necessary is that when you begin your search for a competent doctor, make sure he/she is certified by the American Board of Certified Plastic Surgeons. There are too many uncertified doctors out there in the business for the money with little care about outcomes. Protect yourself from life-affecting results that you'll have to learn to live with. The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to help you feel better, not spend your days regretting the decision.

Help your doctor get it right the first time. And then you won't have to stress at all about when is enough cosmetic surgery enough.

Vicki Wallace blogs on beauty topics on her website and shares her opinions and experiences on the pains of being beautiful. You can read more on her blog at

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