Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Growth of Cosmetic Surgery Fillers

Are you looking to get back that youthful appearance you once had? Do you dream about getting rid of any wrinkles you may have that are making you appear older than you really are? Ageing skin is a major concern for many. Yet, the bigger concern is going under the knife: many people are not at all prepared to undergo plastic or cosmetic surgery. So how does one get the appearance they desire while avoiding cosmetic surgery? Are there alternative methods to cosmetic surgery or can one get healthy non-surgical cosmetic surgery benefits from other products or treatments?

Many people try over the counter anti ageing products: products that can have little to no effect. Whilst the bottle may make splendid promises, the fact is that such products seldom deliver. Why? The truth is that over the counter products only attempt to treat the surface of the problem and they do not get deep down into the skin where ageing begins. Wrinkles are produced from a lack of collagen and while products may promise to replace the collagen you are missing, the truth is that the collagen molecules are too heavy to pass through the first layer of your skin to do you any good.

There are several different avenues that you can pursue if you have no intention of undergoing cosmetic surgery. Collagen implants, dermabrasion, Restylane, Skin peels, and other anti-wrinkle treatments like Botox are all options that can help you manage issues with aging skin. Below, each method is describe and explained in full. Upon reviewing each method you can further research the described method or consult a physician about such methods.

Collagen implants are a simple anti-ageing treatment that many people rely on to get rid of wrinkles in the area of the face. When skin lacks the appropriate amount of collagen, wrinkles are the result. Essentially, collagen injections are very much like Botox injections except it is collagen that is injected into the wrinkled areas of one's skin instead of Botox. Collagen injections are fast, inexpensive and can be done right at the doctor's office. Plus, there are no extensive stays in a hospital and there is no recovery time involved.

Collagen implants do require maintenance, eventually the collagen will have to be re-injected. Many people opt for collagen implants because the procedure is so quick and efficiently. Unlike collagen skin cream products that have difficulty sinking into the skin and reaching the layers of skin it needs to in order for the user to relinquish themselves of wrinkles, collagen injections are injected directly where they need to go. The result is that the effects produced are truly astonishing.

Dermabrasion is another non-surgical procedure that helps people improve the appearance of ageing skin. Basically, the first layer of skin is removed in dermabrasion and with it, anything that makes the skin look unhealthy or older like dead skin cells, scars and the like. The removal is a simple process and the recovery time is minimal when it comes to dermabrasion procedures. Patients may have extremely sensitive skin after a dermabrasion procedure, and some swelling may result. The healing process is different for everybody, but it can take anywhere from five to ten days to reach full recovery from a dermabrasion procedure.

It should be considered that the effects from dermabrasion are in no way permanent and that the procedure will more than likely have to be repeated in the future. If the patient experiences a lot of discomfort from a dermabrasion procedure, they may want to consider one of the many other anti-ageing treatment alternatives. In fact, dermabrasion is much like a skin peel procedure, and some skin peels can result in long recovery periods.

Restylane works a lot like Botox as it causes the area where wrinkles are to swell and thereby diminishes the wrinkles in question. The results derived from Restylane are estimated to last as long as 6 months or more, and patients find that its long lasting results mean fewer visits to the doctor's office. Restylane is injected into the areas where ageing skin has cropped up and the results are immediate. The side effects of the treatment include tenderness, swelling, and some redness at the injection points. Finally, following a Restylane procedure, you may have to avoid strenuous activities or the consumption of alcohol until the redness disappears.

Skin Peels are still a popular alternative to cosmetic surgery and there are variety of different skin peel techniques. Skin peels involve the use of special chemicals to essentially remove the first layer of skin, much like the dermabrasion technique. Many people enjoy the results derived from skin peels as the technique reveals their beautiful underlying skin and the effects are long lasting. The removal of wrinkles, acne, surface scars and ageing skin make people feel and look instantly younger. Skin peels can have painful results however, especially if the patient has sensitive skin. Several days of recovery may be needed when one has a skin peel and skin peels are not recommended for everyone.

Anti-wrinkle treatments like Botox are extremely popular right now, and this trend is showing no sign of slowly in most western countries. Like collagen implants, Botox is injected at the location where wrinkles are located. Botox causes the skin to fill up or swell back to the way the area once appeared before wrinkles appeared. Botox injections are extremely fast and efficient, there is no long recovery period and the results are immediate and long lasting. Nevertheless, the injections will have to be repeated over a period of time. Still, it is far better than going under the knife and you get the same results that you would get from a more expensive face lift procedure.

Ageing skin doesn't have to be something you settle for, even if you don't want to go under the knife and endure the risks associated with cosmetic surgery. New products and new techniques are coming out on the market every day. Trying one or more alternatives to cosmetic surgery may provide you with the beauty relief that you seek.

Mark Burns works for Ucompare Cosmetic Surgery, a comprehensive resource for users considering undertaking cosmetic surgery or collagen implants [].

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