Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Find That the Natural Cosmetics You Buy Truly Are Natural

With increasing awareness of the harmful effects synthetic products can do to our bodies, more and more people are getting interested in natural cosmetics & beauty products. Because of the booming popularity of natural beauty cosmetics, today, one can find a natural product for skin care, hair care, nail care and more.

However, the word natural can have a multitude of meanings and therefore, it is important to understand what actually 'natural' means, so that you be certain that the natural beauty cosmetics you buy really are natural? The best way is educate yourself. It is wise to start with reading labels. Companies that follow good practice and International norms print the ingredients of the product over the packaging label. Research over the Internet and learn what are the popular herbs or natural ingredients are used for that particular product. You can search ingredient(s) over Internet and find whether they are really natural or not!

It is worth it to spend some time researching the different companies and their product lines, so that you can trust the natural beauty cosmetics you buy really are natural. Cosmetic companies call just about anything natural because the government doesn't regulate use of word 'Natural'. The best solution is to know what most experts agree we should avoid. If you find any of following as ingredient in the label of the product, do not buy it:

- Lead: Found within coloring agents of some lipsticks and hair dye.

- Mercury: Found within preservatives used in some mascaras and eye liners.

- Phthalates: A chemical used in fragrance to stabilize scent.

- Sodium lauryl sulfate: Used in soaps such as shampoo and hand wash.

Environmental groups also caution against ingredients such as parabens (which are used as preservatives); petrochemicals and their by-products (often found in skin creams, foundations, and lip balms); mercury (in mascara and eyedrops); and dioxane (in shampoos and body washes);

Remember, when you use a natural cosmetics product you not only do favour to your body, mind, and spirit, but also to the health of our planet as well.

Nick Watson is a chief editor for He has done lot of research on Indian herbs which are use in beauty and cosmetics product.

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